Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Intro to Power2Share

    • Welcome to Power2Share

    • Power2Share Intro Video

    • About this Course and Helpful Tips

    • Blackout Video: Students in Guinea Journey to Light

    • Blackout Video: Post-Video Reflection

    • International Deployment: The Solar Suitcase in Action

    • Solar Stories from Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

    • Goals and Motivations: Additional Resources

    • Video: Introduction to the Solar Suitcase

    • Goals and Motivations: Reflection

    • Preparing to Build

  • 2

    2. Electric Circuits

    • Introduction to Electric Circuits

    • What do you think you know about electrical circuits?

    • The Atom

    • The Atom Mini Quiz

    • Electric Charges and Electric Current

    • Electric Charges and Electric Current Mini Quiz

    • Insulators and Conductors

    • Insulators and Conductors Mini Quiz

    • Parts of a Circuit: Sources, Switches and Loads

    • Parts of a Circuit: Sources, Switches and Loads Mini Quiz

    • Circuit Exploration #1

    • Circuit Exploration #2

    • Circuit Exploration #3

    • Circuits Mini Quiz

    • How well do you know electric circuits, now?

  • 3

    3. Electricity in the Solar Suitcase

    • Introduction to Circuits in the Solar Suitcase

    • What do you think you know about circuits in the Solar Suitcase?

    • The Solar Panel

    • The Battery

    • The Charge Controller and Circuit Breakers

    • Solar Suitcase Components Mini Quiz

    • PhET wiring challenge #1

    • PhET wiring challenge #2

    • PhET wiring challenge #3

    • Series and Parallel Wiring

    • How well do you know circuits in the Solar Suitcase, now?

    • Unpacking the Solar Suitcase

    • Sharing your Solar Suitcase knowledge

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    4. Assembling the Solar Suitcase

    • Welcome to Solar Suitcase Assembly

    • Intro to Solar Suitcase Assembly

    • Before You Build: Safety Tips

    • Video: Battery Tips and Safety

    • Solar Suitcase Assembly

    • Checkpoint: Post- Solar Suitcase Assembly

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    5. Prepare to Energize the Solar Suitcase

    • Preparing to Energize the Built Solar Suitcase

    • Solar Suitcase Quality Control Activity

    • Video: Solar Suitcase Quality Control

    • Video: Preparing to Energize your Solar Suitcase

    • The Lightbulb Moment

  • 6

    6. The Language of Electricity

    • Introduction to the Language of Electricity

    • What do you think you already know about the language of electricity?

    • Current

    • Current Mini Quiz

    • Series and Parallel Wiring - Current

    • Series and Parallel Wiring - Current Mini Quiz

    • Charge

    • Charge Mini Quiz

    • Voltage

    • Voltage Mini Quiz

    • Amps and Volts - Series and Parallel

    • Amps and Volts - Series and Parallel Mini Quiz

    • Power and Energy

    • Power and Energy Mini Quiz

    • How well do you know about the language of electricity, now?

  • 7

    7. Twenty-four Hours with the Solar Suitcase (optional)

    • 24 Hours with the Solar Suitcase (optional)

    • Energy and Power Preparation Worksheet (optional)

    • The Battery Tracking Log (optional)

    • 24 Hours with the Solar Suitcase - Reflection (optional)

  • 8

    8. Light Switch box Assembly

    • Light Switchbox Assembly: The Need for More Light

    • Video: Switch Box Assembly

    • Light Switchbox QC Video

    • Video: Powering the Switch Box

    • Energizing your Switchbox

  • 9

    9. Deployment of the Solar Suitcase

    • Welcome to Solar Suitcase Deployment

    • Video: Solar Suitcase Deployment

    • Deployment Resources

    • Power2Share Communication Guide

    • Solar Suitcase Packing Guide

    • Sending the Solar Suitcase Back to We Share Solar

  • 10

    10. Course Completion

    • Post-Program Survey

    • Course Completion Checklist

    • Course Completion Congratulations

Enroll in Power2Share

Explore our interactive ten-hour course teaching you the fundamentals of building solar electric systems. Separate purchase must be made for

  • Free

    Enroll for free access to curriculum. Separate purchase of the Solar Suitcase equipment includes all international installation fees for deployment. Also included with purchase are stories and photos of your Solar Suitcase placed in an energy-scarce school in East Africa.

    Enroll Now